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впервые опубликовано в: What do you feel the best 3D Mario game is?
2/8/2018 10:38:11 AM
Sunshine>Galaxy 1=64>Odyssey Odyssey would be higher, beating Galaxy, except for a few flaws. 1. The sheer number of Moons. There are a lot of quality ones, but there are also ones like “Rolling Rock in the Woods”. Like, really? Felt like an artificial way to extend playtime, especially with the extra 116 you need to purchase, after getting all 883 in the game. 2. It uses a Banjo-Kazooie style Collectathon world as opposed to a Mario style one. It’s the reason that, aside from its short length (1/3 Sunshine’s length, about), I prefer A Hat in Time to Odyssey. Not much to say on Galaxy & 64. Both were great. I loved Sunshine the most, though. I really like FLUDD, and thought the whole Shadow Mario plot was cool, until his identity was revealed. Voice acting seemed.. Off to be in a Mario game, but that’s a small setback against how great the levels were, and how nice Isle Delfino was. The bosses were all really fun, too. Haven’t played the others. Did play the beginning of Galaxy 2, and I think I’d prefer Galaxy 1, but hard to say based on how little I’ve played.

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