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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/7/2018 5:47:21 AM

Rasputin/Charlemagne's Threat in Gods of Mars

If you take a look at the marketing material for DLC 2, which is being referred to as Gods of Mars by the community, you will see one of Mars' moons, Phobos, in the background behind the Warmind diamond architecture. (I'm assuming it's Phobos and not Deimos, as I've heard no mention of Deimos ever in Destiny. In the larger marketing poster for Gods of Mars, it looks as though Phobos is floating in the middle of what looks like a ginormous pit, which is flanked by 4 pillars directed diagonally at Phobos from the sides of the pit. My guess is that since Phobos was pulled out of its natural orbit in D1 by the Psion Flayers, Rasputin/Charlemagne has decided to weaponize the moon using gravitational projection technology, which appear to be the 4 pillars directed at Phobos. Maybe the Warmind is planning to use Phobos as a weapon against the Traveler? Or maybe against the incoming Darkness pyramid space ships? It might feel like a stretch, but that's my speculation on what exactly makes the Warmind on Mars such a threat.

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