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впервые опубликовано в: What's the most terrifying dream you've ever had?
2/4/2018 12:30:23 AM
This was just yesterday, so it’s still pretty fresh. I’m in a car driving down a road. The road is rusted metal, and goes on and on without an end. On both sides of me there is just grey land. Nothing on it, just grey expanse. All over the grey landscape are these massive figures that tower over me, they are grey with gross skin, and a head but no face. Instead of legs they are just dripping like water. They are reaching twitch their hands and grabbing strings out of thin air and tangling and untangling them. I watch them for a while, until a giant red ball shows up on the horizon and swallows everything. Another weird thing is that I never dream. Ever. This really freaked me out because it felt so real. There wasn’t anything really scary about one singular aspect, but the whole thing was just really unnerving.

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