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Изменено (MaliceInMandy): 1/21/2018 12:13:25 PM

Need a PSN clan please

Just looking for a mature active group to play along with

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  • [PS4] Kill Kry and Play, 31 Members and growing, join now! Hello fellow guardians, Would you like a clan full of chill people who are actually active? Then we, Kill Kry and Play, are the clan for you! On average we have 5-7 members on at a time out of 20 people, the more members we get the more active people we can have on at once! CLAN ENGRAM COMPLETION: We try to complete the Crucible and Nightfall at least once a week for clan rewards. Trials and Raid nodes are a desire to complete weekly but we have yet to. Hopefully with more people we can have multiple scheduled raid groups going at a time. WHERE DO WE CHAT? Discord! Once you request to join and are approved I or our Admin will send you the discord link. We try to keep organized chat rooms for PVP, PVE, Announcements and an InGame-Chat room. ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS? Nope! Just be active is all we ask, and nice in some regard. Age doesn’t matter at all. Interested? Give us a join!

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