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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/19/2018 5:26:24 PM

Idea for new subclass nodes

So there've been a lot of complaints about the new subclass system, it's simplified, it's meant to keep PvP to a degree of balance and it's designed focus on the builds from the first game that people liked and give exotics a bigger role in amping up your power, we'll call this the D2 method. This has upset the long-term fans of the game. They're used to the destiny where you could design your subclass to a tee and get exactly the playstyle that you want and where exotics are just the cherry on top, the D1 method. Now there are some abilities from the D1 method that were carried over: titans having shoulder charge, voidlocks getting bloom, etc. I'm sure we could compile a list and that list might be somewhat long. This would be due to some abilities getting moved to exotics: the sunbreakers simmering flames perk getting moved to hallowfire heart as an example. I propose an expansion of the current subclass design. Now this won't be an overhaul, this is an expansion. Instead of just two nodes we have five nodes, making for more customization options. I bet I know what you're thinking, "SavageSandal (whoever you are) that would make the subclass window so cluttered with stuff that I wouldn't know what was what!" These new nodes--there would be three per subclass--wouldn't be situated on the same level as the current two nodes. Rather they would be placed beyond them. Here's a drawing to help you visualize. Opening it in a new tab is easier. Let's break it down. We have arcstrider. It's a pretty good subclass, all things considered. It's got two different trees that support two different playstyles. One for running around punching people in the face and dodging away (am I the only one that's disappointed that the arcstrider doesn't get a knife?) and the other for running around throwing grenades and disorienting people while you shoot/stab/whatever them in the face. That's all well and good but what if we expanded on those two identities. What if we went from just being a warrior to being an assassin? From being the wind to being a tornado(final name TBD)? When we add these three nodes one of them is exclusive to the related base tree. Path of the assassin as an expansion for the warrior which would focus on solo play, hitting people from behind and might have an invisibility ability (try saying that ten times fast). And path of the tornado which might focus on disabling people in a larger radius, maybe add some new super combos or effects (kind of thought that one up on the fly). The third tree would be shared by the base two so you'd be able to access it's effects no matter what base tree you chose. Maybe it would add an effect when you dodge while in your super or make your grenade/melee better, I don't know so I'll let you guys figure it out. This expansion of nodes would be added to every subclass in the game fleshing out it's identity. You could theoretically keep adding nodes in this manner making subclasses more defined once they get to the end and therefore making no two arcstriders the same in the endgame. Now, to make it more of a grind you could keep adding levels of nodes, the first being tier one nodes the ones that are already in the game which just start to add different playstyles, tier two starts to flesh out those playstyles and tier three would add six more nodes--two for path of the assassin, two for path of balance and two for path of the tornado--and you would get some powerful abilities that have a large impact on gameplay, and maybe you could have tier four nodes which would add twelve different nodes. I'm not too good at math but that's a lot more choices than we have in the base system. These new tiers--however many there are--would each be locked behind a set number of kills that you need to get with the subclass to which they belong. Remember those subclass emblems that we all keep in our inventory just so we can count how many kills we have with each subclass? No? I'm the only one? Okay, well you at least know what I'm talking about (hopefully). These would be your trackers for when you unlock tier 2 and 3 nodes as well as whatever tiers are beyond that, with each tier being locked behind a specific kill count. Tier two could be 10,000 kills with a subclass (maybe drop it down to 7500 or 8000 so it's not quite as daunting a number) and tier three could be 15,000 or 20,000 kills with a subclass. Now we can make the tier 3 nodes pretty powerful and rewarding since they require so many kills to get access to. Some of us might already have the amount required or be nearing it on a subclass, I know I have almost 15,000 kills with sentinel. In addition to the kill requirement we also have the skill points required to unlock the nodes and since we still get skill points on a level up and I'm (fairly) certain that the game still keeps track of how many you have stored up we would not be at a loss for grinding and some of us would already have some extra skill points to spend. With the base subclasses it's a total of sixteen skill points--three for grenades, two for class abilities, three for jumps and eight for both nodes--adding three more nodes would be twelve more skill points (four per node) and if we keep adding tiers with tier three trees that's twenty-four skill points making for a grand total of fifty-two skill points required to unlock all the nodes in a subclass. I'm not even sure that I have that many skill points stored up but I'd be willing to farm experience to make it happen. Now with the current xp rates it's hard to level up, but if we increase the level cap to something like level forty (hmm seems a lot like D1) then we would have more skill points to spend on things. But I digress. This is all theoretical but hopefully a bungie developer sees this and likes the idea. Some upvotes might help it get out there. For now, I'll go back to my games and my netflix and keep an ear/eye out for some major updates.

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