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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/11/2018 1:58:48 AM

Can you hear the Anthem? It is the Eater of Worlds, and it's coming for Destiny.

As an avid lover of Destiny 1, and everything it did right, I do wonder why I'm not in love with Destiny 2. It looks a lot like Destiny 1, but with some changes, which initially I quite liked. Like two of the same weapon slots, so I could Hand Cannon while I Hand Cannon'd. Or location based quests that drove me to explore the areas more. Even finding interesting places underneath that need cleansing with my boom stick. But the longer I played the more I realised there were fatal flaws in the system. What was once an amazing game and franchise has been stripped to it's basics and rebuilt in a different direction. Not a direction that would propel the franchise forward, but hold it back. I feel like Destiny 2 is a cheap knock off of the Original. Like so many mobile apps in the Play/App Store, that are piggy backing off another game. I'm not going to go into all the things that the other players are screaming for, or mention the dozen's of youtube videos telling you what you did wrong. That's a waste of time. You know you need to have built on Destiny 1, not erased it. So that's what this post is about. You, Bungie, need to build upon your foundations and quickly. Anthem is due this year and BioWare are watching. They get to watch what you are doing, and what the players are screaming for. It would be naive to think they will not listen to all this noise. So Bungie, if you still want a player base come Christmas I would strongly suggest you not just start listening to the player base, but implementing the changes we're calling for. You also need to be vocal about what you're doing. Daily updates on your website about what you're doing to improve this for us. Looking forward to a better Destiny.

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  • Изменено (whateverman7): 1/11/2018 11:51:00 PM
    They've said that about every major release since d1. '*insert whatever game* is the destiny killer'. It didnt happen then, it's not gonna happen now. The reason being: it's not a crime to play more than 1 game at a time. I plan on playing both d2 and anthem when it comes out, along with other games. In fact, no game can kill another game unless the devs of said game decide to abandon game A for game B. Which is ironic you mention Anthem, cause that game killed mass effect andromeda. Bioware let the b team develop mass effect andromeda so the a team could work on anthem; it came out as a glitch filled, broken mess of a game that will not get fixed nor have any content updates cause bioware abandoned it to finish anthem. Now that is how you kill another video game.

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