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1/11/2018 7:49:58 PM

Make the Destiny great again!

Do you know what's wrong with D2? It's too fabricated. Guardians are like Ford cars. They all look the same, do the same....and there's nothing between them, they're just all exactly the same. What's is it good for that everyone have exactly the same stuff? And what's good that I wear a white armor and you wear a purple armor, when it's exactly the same armor? Where's optimisation? Where's diversity? Where's that guardian who makes all other guardians jealous? Who makes us all to go grind for stuff so we can make HIM jealous next time we meet... 200+ different shaders don't make things different. This is one of the main reasons why people are leaving this game in masses. This is the "real" lack of endgame. Because once you get a set of one legendary armor and you get a fancy colour on it, the job is done. There's nothing to play for. And just running around shooting bad guys for no reason gets boring quickly... Bring more options to character upgrades, let us have the right set of skills. Not just a 1 tree with 4 branches where we don't like 2 of those. Give us an option to choose what skills we wanna use. Let us master power of light in our own way. Make armor and weapons randomly rolled, so we're not all the same Ford cars. Let us reroll it or customise it, so we can make our guns just perfect. Let everyone get guns and armor he likes with perks that matches his/hers play style. Make us feel unique in our customised armor with just the right weapon in the holster. Make Destiny great again.

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