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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (.): 1/5/2018 8:29:05 PM


As a player of Bungie games for the past 9 years, I've come to expect a lot from Bungie, and I, just as many of you, have been really let down by Destiny 2. I miss playing Destiny 1, I really want Bungie to put Trials Of Osiris back into Destiny 1, as it isn't hard to put maps on a weekly automatic rotation, it would be great, not only for myself but for the community as a lot of people want ToO back, and many may even purchase Destiny 1, if they know that the content is still there. You will also have more people playing Destiny as its another incentive to play. Please Bungie, your giving people who haven't bought the DLCs their content back in Destiny 2, but what about people who have bought all of the DLCs for Destiny 1, who cant enjoy their content that they paid for, which was one of the main advertising points for DLC I would like people to reply to this post stating whether they would like it to come back or not.

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