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12/20/2017 7:18:05 AM

Dawning Milestone reward bug

So from what I can tell, you’re supposed to get a Dawning Engram from the mayhem milestone, a Dawning Engram from the strikes milestone, and then a boon from Ikora. I never received that second Dawning Engram. Which sucks, because you only get 6 total from the milestones throughout the entire event. I now only get 5, maybe only 3. From what I can tell, this glitched because I had a Boon of the Dawning drop for me while I was playing Mayhem. I used it before I finished the strikes milestone. Maybe the milestones were set up that getting the boon from Ikora was supposed to be your first one. And so because I used my boon it decided that I had finished the milestones already and gave me no Dawning Engram. I also didn’t get a boon from Ikora, just some shaders.

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