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Изменено (DaysOfGrays): 1/1/2018 2:38:19 PM

Bungie, What The Hell?

[b]WARNING:This is your standard "-blam!- YOU BUNGIE I HATE YOUR GUTS!"/HateOnBungie post. If you're annoyed by these posts, I suggest you flee's Gaming section (or any section for that matter other than Destiny as this section is filled with these same kinds of posts and #DownWithEververse posts), drink some coffee (depending if you're a disgusting human being) that or go ahead, play some vidya or go to a different forum site. You are very welcome[/b] [i]Dear Bungie,[/i] I've been a fan of you guys for a while. I've loved a lot of the products you've thrown out. I played through Marathon's 1-3 (AKA Marathon, Marathon:Durandal, and Marathon:Infinity) I gladly bought Halo CE, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach, and I enjoyed the Halo franchise, and I would go as far as to say as whenever you were making the Halo games and also working with Microsoft, you were in your golden years. Everyone loved your games. OK, maybe not [i]everyone[/i] but you gained a lot of respect within gaming. You were known for making one of Xbox's best games, and i'd go as far as to say that if you guys never made Halo on the Xbox, the Xbox never would have been such a successful console. You know what made Halo great however? The fact that you guys wanted to implement new mechanics, new modes, new well, everything into your games, and the fact that you listened to your community. You paid a LOT of attention to the community and took notes, implemented things that the community would love, such as forge mode, you guys changed things that the community disliked, that or improved on them. Either of which made the community very happy. You were loved, and when you guys departed from Microsoft, everyone wished you luck, and were excited to see your next project. This came in the form of Destiny, which every Halo, or Bungie fanboy, were hyped when seeing it. They couldn't wait to get their grubby little hands on it, play it, then make some disgusting altar or whatever and bow before their Limited Collectors edition of Destiny. Expect, September 9th 2014 (The date when the game came out) that didn't really happen. The game was boring, and nobody really liked it. A lot of people quickly finished the "story" AKA that pile of garbage that was supposed to be the story in about i'd say an hour at [i]least[/i]. You guys were going to throw some DLC down our throats, DLC, that was [i]supposed [/i] to be in the game from day one! Remember that? Everyone was pissed at you guys, then The Taken King came out (which also had content that was going to be in the game day one) which addressed a lot of complaints and actually made the game somewhat enjoyable. It came with a decent story, and also had SRL, a new raid, and overhauled everything. The Rise Of Iron DLC did the same exact thing (and surprisingly none of this was content that should have been in the game day one) introducing new features, new game modes, and continued overhauling the game. The game was enjoyable, and a few fans (such as myself) thought that maybe you were going to change your ways and stop being idiots. Destiny 2 was announced, I was actually hyped. Every sequel to a game i've ever played have been really fun and made the game franchise so much better. I honestly believed that you guys fixed your shit and you were prepared to go back to your golden days, where you loved and paid attention to the community. I didn't pre-order or get the game day one, however, as I was still somewhat wary. Though from what I heard from a few friends, "This game is fantastic! Nothing could beat this awesome game! Bungie finally is on the right track!" So I proceeded to get the game two weeks after it launched on PC, and oh yeah I had fun with the game. During this time, the forums were filled with chaos, people screaming how Destiny 2 was ass, how it became boring after you beat it, how the end game content was nonexistent, etc, etc. I ignored them, the game had just came out and I was betting that you guys were gonna throw in some nice content that would make everyone praise you guys again. I sure as hell had a good time playing Destiny 2, I loved every second of the story and I just couldn't wait to see what was next, except... There was no nice new content Nothing was ever really changed And then you guys got exposed for halting shit down so people would buy your dreaded microtransactions (I also wanna touch on this little topic later) People got pissed, and this was during the time when EA's Battlefront 2 JUST came out and was being destroyed for it's intrusive disgusting microtransactions, and EA was shamed and ridiculed for performing such actions, I imagine a lot of people on the forums got [i]very[/i] angry when they found this out (I can't 100% confirm this however as I stopped being active on the forums around this time) and a month later (December) The Osiris DLC came out. I expected that this would be like House Of Wolves, which I viewed as worthy DLC. I expected there to be a good amount of sweet juicy content that would keep everyone playing, and would make me want to purchase the Expansion Pass, or just buy the DLC on it's own, and guess what? [b]That wasn't the case.[/b] If I recall correctly, the DLC didn't offer much, as it seemed people I was even subbed to on Youtube were screaming at how god-awful the DLC was, and how a lot of the content was put in your lovely Eververse. I was shocked, you guys had decided to pull a 343i, and put in NEW content into your shitty microtransaction system which was essentially online gambling. I imagine everyone on the forums was REALLY pissed off about this. I'll get to the point, as of right now i've just spouted out a bunch of stuff everybody knows, and you're wondering what the point is, so i'll get to it. Bungie, what the -blam!- happened to you guys? You listened to the community, acted as if you've given a rats ass about them in the past, and 10 years later, you've sucked up to Activision. Marty O Donnel, was fired and you never allowed us to hear any of the nice lovely music he produced for you guys (Music Of The Spheres, take a listen to it, it's -blam!-ing great), Jason Jones had left and went back to Microsoft, most likely because he couldn't stand how things were being done and how greedy you guys have become as well. The forums has been filled with nothing but people (including myself) bitching at Destiny 2, or how greedy you guys have become. Sure, gamers are -blam!-ing stupid and we'll complain about everything, no matter how big or how small, we will complain and bitch and moan about it, however, considering everyone is up together bitching about how Eververse has gotten cancerous and also judging by the actions YOU have done, I get why everyone is bitching. I get why everyone on the forums is complaining. Either way, you've managed to kick the hornets nest that is your community, and everyone is at your throats. Last I heard, hardly anyone is really active on your game, and everyone spends their times in your Destiny section screeching because you have refused to listen, either by being nice and trying to not insult you, or just calling you a bunch of -blam!-ing losers who can't make a game. My point is, you've -blam!-ed up and you need to fix your shit. Once upon a time, a lot of people praised you and now it seems your community is making forum post after forum post after forum post, doing nothing but shitting on you. Where did you guys go wrong? Why did you guys go so low? Please, just fix yourselves. Actually LISTEN to your community instead of giving us some horse shit. That's what made you guys good, you managed to do your own thing while taking notes from the community, and thus you made an amazing game that everyone was happy with. Now, it just seems you do whatever you can for a cheap buck from Activision. I'm betting that if you continue this, after your 10 year partnership/contract with Activison ends, YOU will be dead. Jason Jones is gone, the man who pretty much wrote every single work of art you've all produced, and Marty O Donnel has been fired and has made his own company/games/music, and this is all depending on if Destiny stops making Activision money, and if that's the case then they'll shut your asses down, which I won't be surprised if that happens. [i]Love, Newman[/i] [b]TLDR: Bungie please fix yourselves that way everyone is happyface and enjoys the games you put out, kthx.[/b] [spoiler]P.S: #DownWithEververse[/spoiler]

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