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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (MaleEmotions): 12/29/2017 9:34:59 PM

Bumgie, Just Call D2 a Dress-Up Sim

I think a lot of people are mad at you because they didn't understand that D2 was not an RPG, but rather a wardrobe/outfit collection sim. The game isn't about progressing a character, gathering powerful armor sets, fighting increasingly difficult enemies, or exploring worlds - it is about collecting cool outfits and accessories. What use are interesting armor set bonuses or powers when the only important thing is how you look? If you'd just market it as a dress up sim you'd be golden. I think you guys deserve a lot of credit too. Are you the first to create a real cash lottery mechanism to hopefully get a new loading screen? That must've taken courage.

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