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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Meaty-Yeet): 12/22/2017 12:02:18 AM

Theory Disproved! Saladin remembers us!

So Cayde just says this throwaway line that, I believe, (but correct me if I'm wrong) proves that Saladin did [b][i][u]NOT[/u][/i][/b] forget us. Lots of people believe that the reason Saladin does not call us iron lord is because he lost his memory as a side affect of losing his light. Anyway Cayde says (rough quote) "Saladin still talks about you, Wolfie) What would he be talking about us about. It could be our Iron Banner skill [u]OR[/u] it could be our accomplishment fighting the SIVA. This would make more sense as many other guardians would excel in IB (some ships name certain figures) but no one else stopped the SIVA.

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