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впервые опубликовано в: Destiny Netflix Series Premise and Brainstorm
12/16/2017 10:31:38 PM
I like the idea for the show. Sounds very sound. I had an idea for a Destiny show for a bit. It's a drama like DC CW shows like The Flash set at a point prior to the Battle of Mara Ibrium and near the start of the Battle of the Burning Lake. It'll tell the story of Eriana-3 and her fireteam's fail mission to kill Crota (Which was something I thought could work well in a drama). The series would run for one or two seasons (Haven't quite thought how many episodes there could be) that would begin with Eriana's resurrection and journey to the City, encountering the Hive, Wei Ning and Pahanin at the Battle of the Burning Lake, joining the Guardian assault on Mara Ibrium, see Crota and his forces decimate the Guardians and killing Wei Ning, finding Eris, Toland and the other Guardians present in her Fireteam, descend into The Hellmouth where her team gets picked off one by one until only she and Eris remain, Eriana staying to hold off the Hive as Eris escapes where she is then cut down, with all of this ending with Eris speaking to an audio device as she leaves the City. Main characters would include: Eriana-3 Wei Ning Toland Eris Morn Pahanin Kabr Praedyth With cameos of characters seen in the game like Zavala, Ikora, Cayde, Shaxx, The Speaker, Osiris and Taeko. Additional Notes: Eriana and Wei Ning would have a relationship that would begin to grow until Mara Ibrium (Now before you get into a tizzy about this, it was mentioned in the lore tab of Eriana's ship, I'm simply expanding it). Pahanin would have a running gag where he would intentionally mispronounce Kabr's name to annoy him. There would be a narrator at the beginning of each episode which would be revealed to be Eris in the season finale.

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