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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (SethAdder): 12/11/2017 5:58:02 AM

Raid Lair for DLC 2?

So if base Leviathan was us confronting Calus for the first time and taking his challenges so that he wouldn't make the Leviathan eat Earth, and Eater of Worlds was us destroying the Nessus Vex Core that was also choking the Leviathan... Then what exactly will the Raid Lair be for DLC 2 (Rasputin DLC)? I can't really imagine us doing anything else on the Leviathan because we've already been on Calus' palace on top of the Leviathan, and in the Leviathan's mouth. Maybe Rasputin attacks the Leviathan and Calus makes us destroy whatever Rasputin sends his way? It'd be awesome to fight a giant space mech piloted by Rasputin (that is if he has something to use as a sort of human form) Or maybe it's another Fallen related DLC and the Fallen are invading the Leviathan with stolen tech from Rasputin's vault? Any speculations on this topic?

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