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12/4/2017 12:13:13 AM

| PS4 | EU | GMT+1 | PvE | PvP | Recruiting active players

We are [W-DTC] looking for more people who also enjoy and having fun with playing Destiny 2. Active players are more then welcome. No obligations and laid back. A mature clan with players that enjoy and wanna have fun together playing Destiny 2. Solo is not excluded but finding mutual players is simply more fun while doing weekly's, Nightfall, PvP or other stuff. If you are a new player or experienced, all are more then welcome. Be respectful and try to help eachother out where u can. Some people will have day time jobs so the main focus will be in the evening. We play Destiny 2 cause its a great game. We use the Bungie clan-app to communicate. When teaming up for raids, trials and nightfall, a microphone seems inevitable and helps big time.

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