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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/7/2017 5:52:02 PM

How to help Endgame loot

I'll try to keep this simple and easy to follow. If I get lost along the way, I'm sorry. Any figure or numbers I use are inconsequential, are only used to express the ideas. Start with adding "mod" crafting. Allow players to craft mods using legendary shards, materiels they harvest on planets and have each planet vendor sell a legendary material you can only buy from them, using their tokens. When you craft a mod you pick one type ; examples - Inferno, Tesla, Frost, ect. If you choose, let's say Inferno, it has a pool of 5 stats that mod can roll as; again examples - Scorch ( d.o.t.), Detonate (low initial dmg, follow by small explosion that increase with how many bullets they have in them), Firefly (just like existing perk), ect. By using this system you solve multiple problems/complaints. First it gives players a grind and reason to keep logging in. By having the different groups there's still some randomness in the mod creation but I know that if I created, say 20 inferno mods then I should get the one I'm looking for (praise rngesus). Second it makes use of the planet materials and the tokens from each planet once you hit end game. Finally it changes the whole weapon pool, with out the work or hassle of adding a million new guns. If you fear this would make PVP unbalanced just make that mod slot not active, much like the light level not mattering. Thanks.
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