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12/1/2017 9:19:27 AM

Tired of Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is nothing like destiny 1. Nothing! Unrecognizable! Disappointed with all the changes besides having the game in 4k and soon HDR. Destiny 2 has managed to turn an incredible game into a 4k/HDR demo! I’m not a troll; I’m an upset 36-year-old fan! I state my age because my time is valuable, my spare time the little that it is was driven by my love of this games lure and my wife’s encouragement; she’d ask did you get the gun with the rolls you wanted or hey Friday is coming up are you going to have a go at trials? Eagerly I would say, “yes!” I can’t say the same with destiny 2. Destiny 2 for all the hard work Bungie has put into it and believe me when I say I know you worked hard but the finished product fixes or introduces features that veterans didn’t care about. One doesn’t game to have everything served on a platter for a casual gamer. The little time I had I happily gave for the grind no matter what the duration it took to achieve. Time-vested equals reward! Simple! Maybe it’s a millennial thing? Everything is expected to be given without any of the work?! Instead of giving us destiny 1 in destiny 2 we get a watered down game, simplified skill tree which is horrible by the way(community calls arc strider a pole dancer by the way, not sure that’s what was in mind when creating the class, should have stayed as a blade dancer; I digress) just because it was complicated for people to trial and error different skill setups?! Nightstalker's skill tree is neutered, grenades only matter if you're a Titan, Stormcaller is basically a Tazer now, hand cannons pretty much in the same bucket of vile as grenade launchers which launch the same worthless grenades as the warlock or hunter. The meta for the slew of weapons(by the way throwing more content at people doesn't fix anything of what is really wrong with the game) destiny meta are Mida, Uriel, curtain call/sins of the past, adjudicator , last hope main ingredient to name a few its utter trash, and don't get me started on pvp becoming a hold right trigger, spray and PRAY, team fired, aim assisted, auto rifle orgy! Stephen Hawkin can now play this game with one eye looking at his IBM computer.PVP is now a game of holding a lane, posting up and team firing anything that moves! Seriously?! Not sure if my voice matters at all of if the view is shared by others but this game needs to be overhauled back to its roots. Destiny 1 can be Destiny 2 and you can still throw in all the other "features," for the simpletons if need be but don't expect to not implement anything of destiny 1 and expect the veterans to be like, "yeah, that's what I needed or was missing!" When Bungie announced "we heard you and those changes will be coming to destiny 2; who did you hear? It couldn't have been the veterans because I don't recognize this game! I own this game for both systems Xbox and PS4 because I always wanted to play it and with friends. I barely you touched it on Xbox there is no point. Regardless, if player population is low or considered a skewed metric I will share a metric that is not. The majority of my friend's list of both consoles are and have been made through destiny. I can assure you if I have 5 friends on at a given time playing this game its a lot. Some nights it's 3 or 2. DLC, more weapons, content etc are not the things that are going to fix this game. Updates, patches and reverting back to destiny 1 is what will fix this game. So much gripe over how long it took to get destiny 1 to where it finally concluded, to then have it all wiped away from existence. Almost 4 years of hard work; poof! Can that be 1 of 4 emotes to add to that awesome new feature? Because I sooooo wanted that! (sarcasm). I'll sign off on that note; poof!

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  • Games aren't supposed to be work. They are supposed to be fun. When someone says "Oh, I worked so hard in this game" I immediately lose any interest in anything else they have to say. I play to have fun during the entire time I am playing the game, not in fits and spurts. If I have to "work" for a period in order to have a burst of fun later, then I say that's -blam!-ing stupid. The idea is that in the game, there should always be something fun to do and never anything that is perceived as work. I get paid when I work. Bungie isn't paying me shit so I am certainly not going to engage in anything that seems like work for free. When I stop having fun playing Destiny 2, I'll stop playing it and go play something else that is fun. I won't bitch and moan that it's not fun or that all my hard work was for nothing. That's the path of stupidity. And for -blam!-'s sake, use some -blam!-ing paragraphs.

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