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впервые опубликовано в: Why all the hate?
11/17/2017 9:36:55 AM
I really don't understand all the hate either. It's almost like a massive smear campaign from another developer -_- What were people expecting? We have a gorgeous looking game with absolutely next level visual design. Totally solid engine in all's smooth as a baby's rump Good story, well told, good pacing, cohesive etc.... Lore rich universe Decent fast paced PvP Extra PvE stuff you can do Most games would beg to have all those boxes ticked!! Let alone as well as Bungie have done!! Then consider that content can and will be added to every single one of the categories I have mentioned above. Seriously......what the hell did people want?!? This isn't D1, so stop expecting it to be D1. This is the start of D2. It's a three year game, so just chill out and enjoy killing stuff!

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