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11/14/2017 3:35:01 PM

Computer Crashes after Alt+Tab

Hello, To preface, I read the known issues list, and this problem is not the AMD Crossfire one, as I don't have any AMD components nor do I have Crossfire installed. If this is the wrong section to be posting this in please let me know where it should be and I'll delete this one and post there. When I Alt+Tab out of my game and back in, it will occasionally work, most-times crash my game, but other times it will Blue Screen my PC. Stop code: VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR. I don't have this problem with any other game, and since I have to Alt+Tab to manage Discord due to the overlay being (understandably) blocked, it gets pretty annoying. Specs: OS: Windows 10 Motherboard: Alienware 0PGRP5 (don't judge, saving for a new build) Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 3.4GHz GPU: ASUS GTX 750 Ti 2GB HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 2TB Memory: Micron 16JTF1G64AZ-1G6E1 2x8GB RAM Monitors: 1920x1080 Toshiba TV 1280x1024 Dell monitor.

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