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Вербовка в клан

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11/14/2017 6:10:50 AM

Infinity Thesis - The clan you've been looking for. ~ELITE, COMPETITIVE, FRIENDLY, FAST-PACED.~

Hi there, [b]This is a limited time opportunity for you to join the clan of your dreams! [/b] The folks here at Infinity Thesis [INNIT] are people dedicated to success. We constantly strive for the highest ranks, playing competitive, raids, strikes, and public events. Versatility is the key to a [i]good[/i] clans success, so no matter your play style and preference, we've got a spot for you! Join quickly, as the clan roster is filling at rates unimaginable. [quote]Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together. -Robert Redford[/quote]

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