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11/13/2017 4:45:42 PM

Hunter's Dodge

I really like playing as the hunter class, however, is it just me, or is their dodge underwhelming. I feel like the Marksman's dodge is only useful with Rocket & Grenade Launchers. And the only usage of Gambler's dodge I seem to ever use is for an infinite melee reset combo for Arcstrider, however, that combo is only useful vs. hoards of weaker enemies, and is terrible in PvP. I think it would be a good Idea to give the roll a bit more distance and speed. It feels more efficient just to quickly sprint-slide behind cover than to use it to get behind cover, and for quickly traversing the map, I just sprint or summon my vehicle. This change would also allow for more flexibility in taking down single targets, which is what Hunter is supposed to excel at. I have enjoyed playing Destiny 2 Since I got it, and while it is tedious to grind for gear, I still enjoy it. I hope you take my suggestion into consideration. If you think I am just bad at hunter, could you give me some advice about the usage of the dodge. P.S. For Nightstalker's invisibility, could you make them fully invisible while crouching, instead of that electric texture. Thanks!

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