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11/1/2017 8:42:00 AM
Yeah most of that is based on opinion. It's just more likely that Bungie retconned most of the things or just didn't care enough, for example the Iron Lord's thing or The Exo Stranger. It's pretty clear they've become pretty much inept when it comes to the story and writing of the game.

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  • [quote]Yeah most of that is based on opinion[/quote] I’m sorry, what? Ghosts can repair a Guardian even from total disintegration- confirmed lore fact We don’t know how Exos work anymore- confirmed lore fact Exos were built under the direction of Rasputin and have human minds- confirmed facts from D1 grimoire RoI happened and we are “Saladin’s young Wolf”- confirmed by D2 dialogue and the fact that we played RoI in D1 How the Vex collective mind works- thoroughly described in D1 grimoire and gameplay Vex goal to exist forever- confirmed in D1 grimoire and gameplay The Stranger is canon- seriously, we played D1 The only opinion was when I said [quote]as long as the Vex are a threat [i]I believe[/i] she should be present[/quote] Sorry if that correction came out seeming harsh, but please consider what you typed before you post it. I do agree that a good deal of Bungie’s writing has gone downhill for Destiny, despite the amazing potential it had

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  • Изменено (WBU39): 11/1/2017 9:58:07 AM
    You can't really reference the D1 grimoire because the consensus amongst the lore community is that Bungie is trying to just forget the grimoire ever existed and retcon it as they go. You can't honestly say that RoI is canon when Saladin, the one who actually made us an iron lord and told us to reforge the order DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE US even after giving us personally a sword THAT THE IRON LORDS USED TO CARRY. And don't try that same shit they did with Tyra Karn because that is just insulting and lazy towards anyone who's ever been interested in the lore. It's much more likely that the writers are unable to craft anything meaningful anymore, or can't keep their work consistent. Both are hallmarks of bad writers. The Exo Stranger doesn't matter how much you want her to since Bungie and shit-for-brains Luke Smith just decided that she's a done character, no reason to talk about her anymore related canon lore, because she simply doesn't matter. She's not a prevalent character, Bungie wrote themselves into a corner and didn't know what to do so they killed the story off. As much as you'd like you can't use 'The Light' as a Deus Ex Machina to explain everything that doesn't follow the writing, it's just lazy and opens the door for Bungie to use more handwavey explanations ala the entire vanilla D1 story. Our Ghost was able to heal us before we got the light back, why didn't Cayde's Ghost do it to him right after he got shot? I know why, because writers at Bungie are wildly inconsistent. Instead of writing passive aggressive "think before you write" comments maybe you should take a moment to critically examine some things instead of giving Bungie the benefit of the doubt. That when bullshit like Silver and microtransactios happen.

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  • [quote]You can't really reference the D1 grimoire because the consensus amongst the lore community is that Bungie is trying to just forget the grimoire ever existed and retcon it as they go. [/quote] Where is this consensus? Anyone who honestly looked for more than a few minutes would know that isn't true. If Bungie truly meant for D1 grimoire to be retconned, they would issue new lore referring back to it in D2. It would simply be gone. Yet Bungie referenced D1 grimoire a ton in D2. Now Bungie removed the D1 grimoire and changed lore delivery in D2 (terrible imo), but that doesn't mean that the events or the lore of D1 doesn't exist or isn't still canon. And canon doesn't have to mean the lore on any subject is going to continue. The sum total of the lore maybe in D1, never to appear again, but is still part of the destiny universe and lore. Exo stranger is a perfect example. By bungies own admission, her story is over. But D2 does mention her in game. Bungie acknowledges her existence in the destiny universe even now, while simultaneously admitting they aren't going to add any more story to her. So there is isn't any point speculating what she might do next, because the answer is nothing. However, what she did in D1 is still canon. Here is just a short list from memory of all the D1 grimoire that I have seen in D2 in game either through ghost scan or lore tab: Oryx, Crota, Savathun, worm gods, Osiris, Pahanin, wei Ning, Eriana-3, Dredgen Yor, Shin Malphur, Asher Mir, Sloane, Nessus, Io, Exodus, SIVA, Eris Morn, rasputin, takanome rangers, Twilight Gap, Skolas, Atheon, Kabr, six fronts, Efrideet, saint-14.... I can source those all if you'd like from D2. But all that Bungie specifically mentioned in D2. If Bungie wanted to retcon all of D1, they wouldn't mention any of that. But they mentioned it on purpose, carried it forward into D2, and it still exists. Good example. Here is some D2 lore: That is all D1 characters and grimoire references. Even the opening cinematic is a tribute for D1 players acknowledging all we did in D1. D1 is still canon. The events and characters are canon. Some of the events and characters will forever stay in D1, and have no bearing on future lore, but are still part of destiny.

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  • Sorry I didn’t mean to offend with my last comment, but I am glad to see your arguments actually have reason Bungie is definitely screwing up with trying to change a lot of what they built Destiny to be in D1, but that doesn’t mean we can toss all that to the side since they have to stick as close to it as possible. Unfortunately Bungie really was extremely lazy on the Saladin and Tyra writing, so I really have no way to keep up that part of the discussion except to say again that we can’t just toss it all away because of a lack of specific dialogue I guess you’re right about the Stranger, although with all of the FWC references to her in D2 at least Bungie isn’t just letting her slip into a forgotten pile of lore. Glad Luke Smith isn’t in charge of writing Maybe the wound was too severe for Cayde’s Ghost to heal; they’re really weak without Light after all. But you’re definitely right about inconsistencies like that in Destiny, so in all honestly they probably only had it like that just for the comedic purposes

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