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впервые опубликовано в: Clearing things up
11/1/2017 2:14:03 AM
Glad to see your posts fox. I've never really replied to any but have thoroughly enjoyed reading everything since my first foray into Destiny lore. Very excited to see what the new dlc brings and to see and other lore masters/enthusiasts view points on what it all means and how it all ties together. On one specific topic - the exo stranger - do you think we may see her in this upcoming curse of Osiris dlc? To me the whole vex past and future, dire straights of humanity due to an overwhelming vex threat, it just seems to loudly ring back to the terrible future the exo stranger tried to get us to fight back into nothingness. Would be cool, imo, if there were at least some call backs to her from D1 for veterans.

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