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Изменено (AKA-MrScrub): 10/31/2017 12:17:19 PM






Who cares?


Whilst I would agree that some of the changes we're necessary in order to differentiate the two titles, I also believe (as does a large portion of the community) that some changes were made in haste and had very little forethought but into them. Over the three year we saw a lot of things change, substantially, and that how it goes. Typically however a decent amount of the change seen in a previous iteration are seen in the newer version with various adjustments. This process give the supporters and users of the software the content that they enjoy whilst adding in brand new layers of excitement for them (us) to talk about/enjoy. This was not the case with Destiny 2 and here are a few reasons why. 1.) The removal of sunsinger. Luke Smith has stated that the reason for the removal was the revive perk. I think the fantasy of having a super in Destiny is the fantasy of using it, and the Sunsinger encouraged you to not use your super. It encouraged you to sit on it and use it like a one-up when it was time. That also makes things like counterbalance more of a headache than we want it to be. -Luke Smith So basically their response to this proposed problem is to avoid it completely and replace the whole subclass with what amounts to a Warlock version of the Titan's Hammers. To be honest this feels like they're planning on brining it back and making us pay for it. 2.)Disabled light levels. I honestly don't see how this benefitted the game in any way. This change (in my opinion) has caused the PVP to feel the same across the bored. As a PVP main (I'm sure I'm not alone) aside from the Raid/Nightfall there is very little reward for leveling up your other 2 characters. Which brings me to my next point. 3.) The removal of weapon rolls. While I understand that this change was made in order to assist the Dev in team in their endeavors to bring balance to the game I (as wells several others, clearly) believe that so much more needed to happen for this to be functional. This change was great for creating a level playing field within PVP but the toll in did to "End Game Content" as a whole is rather substantial. Several guardians I know have acquired nearly every weapon and armor in game (due to the low amount of items and the lack of changes between items of the same name). In short, static rolls has proved to be an oversimplification of the Destiny loot system. 4.) The removal of playlists. There are times that I would like to kick back and just enjoy some Clash. But as we all know we no longer have that option. I feel like to taking away the ability to choose is not the way to making anything better. Also, what about gameplay statistics. How is Bungee going to assess which game modes are being enjoyed and which we could do without. I understand that this (along with the removal of rolls) can help bring in more eSports players, but at this is being done at the expense of the majority of the community. The vexation isn't that changes were made, in fact I love some of the changes (the revamping of the public event system, the power weapon system, the 4v4 game modes, the two competitive modes they added, etc). The problem is that some of the changes have caused significant turbulence for the game and the Dev team is choosing to turn a blind eye to it. I don't hate the game or feel that it is "trash" a lot of fellow members of the community have expressed. I simply feel that this game needs a lot of TLC if they hope to increase the longevity, marketing ability and customer satisfaction. They need to reassure the community that our collective voices are being heard and that they are working as hard as they can to fix the grievances we have with the game. What are your thoughts?
#feedback #Bungee

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  • Изменено (MjoshuaL): 10/31/2017 7:48:13 PM
    The sunsinger response is crazy. There's a chest piece for a titan and that's the soul purpose of it. Faster regen of grenades if your super meter is full. Bring back the sun singer subclass the titans still have the titan bubble Warlocks need self res... Edit: agreed if playlist were taking put atleast keep the game modes in constant rotation and have players in lobby vote on map before the next match like other games out there. Weapons to me feel all about the same yeah I like that I can change my energy type of a weapon instead of getting 3 of the same gun I can change it with a mod. However if mods are in the game let's just make everything a base gun then we can customize said gun to our like at the gunsmith. Longer or shorter barrel, fixed stock, grips, scopes, rapid fire, extended mags etc. Etc. Then the only difference between the guns would be the perks like graverobber and things like that.

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