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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (BillyWilson24): 10/31/2017 4:41:53 AM

It’s time to STOP!

Why are people always complaining on these forums? Yeah the game has its flaws and yes, I want them fixed and more rewards and blah blah blah. We all want the same thing. A BETTER EXPERIENCE. People put so much hate towards bungie and in some regards they had it coming, but after seeing one trailer for an expansion, half the salty people on these forums explode with what they “KNOW” is going to happen or be included in this DLC. Why don’t you wait, watch for what the reveals show, and make a decision later once it’s close to dropping to buy the expansion? If you already bought it, either with the bundle or just because you love the game like I do, then you are stuck. You knew what you were getting into. I’ve never been angry or upset with any purchase I’ve made for destiny. I’ve been unhappy with some tweaks they made but about 90% of the time I’ve been pleasantly surprised and happy with the content. I remember when these forums back in vanilla were actually constructive and not just a 24/7 deluge of salt being thrown at bungie and the developers. It’s crazy to see how drastic the change has been. TLDR: stop complaining and wait for the actual content to drop to make a claim that the expansion sucks. And just quit being so salty.
#destiny2 #SALTY

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