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Изменено (tryingtodelete): 10/29/2017 5:46:12 PM

The Guardian Rising: Chapter 0

Written by AnRebelScum Destiny Universe created by Bungie Chapter 0 "How did we miss this?" I ask. My name is Sonus. And I'm responsible fro the city's destruction. NO! That doesn't mean I'm a member of the Cabal. So it's a funny story actually. As a [i]human[/i] Guardian I still need sleep. So today I needed to check up on the satellite arrays and report anything suspicious. But yesterday night I didn't set my alarm. As a result of that I overslept and now the City is under attack. Don't you just hate it when people say the world doesn't revolve around you and the next day you just got hundreds or even thousands of people slaughtered because the world decided to for like one day? Because I do. And now here I am. In the middle of The Last City. As it burns and crumbles to the ground.

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