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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/27/2017 4:37:41 PM

The problem with the forums right now

So obviously we all know the forums are in a total riot over Destiny 2, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. It's ok to be upset over things that were promised but never withheld, or the countless changes and additions to Destiny 1 that were removed or changed in Destiny 2. As the player base who wants to see this game excel through good change and not die as a disappointment, we have a right to speak out on the forums and express our complaints about it. Hell, they even gave us a response to our venting and ranting in their weekly post (it still remains to be seen though how much of this is true, since actions speak much louder than words). What we should not be doing is making constant, so called "attention posts", which are those posts made by usually the same people every time, trying to evoke some sort of unnecessary anger within the community. Now I will not say names, but I'm pretty sure a lot of you know who these people are. These posts not only cause the forums to go up in flames with all known order thrown right out the window, but they cause for a very unhealthy gaming community. The people who fall victim to these giant mouse traps get fooled into thinking that all hope is lost for this game and that there's nothing we can do about it. So when we do get responses, these victims only see lies, injustice, and whatever the "attention whore" poster that turned them into this makes them see in their post. We cannot let the attention whore posters rupture the community and game anymore from the forums; it's time for them to stop. Think of it this way: if you destroy the community from the main place that they express their thoughts about the game, you will eventually end up destroying the game itself. These posters may seem like strong leaders, but don't let that fool you. They just want to see you get angry about something that they could care less about.

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