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Изменено (Andii): 10/26/2017 8:16:24 AM

<< UNI >> [PC] [Level] New Clan - LF Members who wants to PvP/PvE, get high, drunk and etc.



Forsure, I am in!


Yolo, down!


Hey Everyone, What does Uni mean? Sea Urchin? One? (in Japanese)?, Universe (In Latin)? whatever you want it to be. We are a new clan looking - We are looking for anyone who wants to do the following. Raids, PvP, Strikes, Nightfall, Trails, Crucible, Leveling, and most importantly getting just having fun together. Qualification? None, it doesn't matter if you are short, tall, fat, ugly or what not. Just any chill people that want to join and have fun. But just respect your peers. With that being said, to join? Simple! 1. Leave your Bnet Tag.

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