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Изменено (doom816): 10/18/2017 10:43:54 AM

America vs Japan!

For anyone who doesn't know, there will be a Giant Robot Battle between superpower America and the technologically advanced Japan. This happens at 7:00 pm pacific time on twitch TODAY. The account is ([UNIQID ). The two robots fight will be America's MK III vs Japan's Kuratas. When Megabots (the company that made the MK III for America) challenged Japan, they responded with only one condition, it'll be a fist fight. Both teams have been working hard hard on their piloted robots and tonight will be the grand reveal and fight of the final robots. Any other things I have not made clear you can ask me or look up yourself. TL;DR giant robot battle at 7:00 pm pacific between America and Japan on twitch:[UNIQID Edit- we made trending! Edit- Hell yea! America taking the W!

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