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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Meowfart): 10/21/2017 11:34:05 PM

My 14 Fk You quitting message to Bungie

For all the hopes smashed and money i have spent on this game, a big fk you Bungie. Im officially quitting the game right now as i am typing this last post. Fk you for the shitty servers. Fk you for ruining pvp. Fk you for the pathetic vault. Fk you for timer nightfall. Fk you for making raid a circus clown game show instead of an epic shooter. Fk you for the terrible exotics. Fk you for Xur. Fk you for closing trials. Fk you for not fixing warlock super and axion bolt bug. Fk you for terrible weapon balancing. Fk you for not fixing anything despite the uproar of negative feedback Fk you for ignoring your playerbase. Pc version will fail hard because the game is shit. Expect the current forum shitstorm to double after pc launch. Its sad that the destiny franchise will stop at 2. Because no sensible person will buy destiny 3. Current twitch viewers: Warframe at 38k. Destiny 2 at 3k. RIP Destiny. /signing off and a final and 14th FK you.

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