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впервые опубликовано в: So I decided to make my own Fan Made Patch Notes
10/12/2017 12:24:43 AM
I think that at the least, since I am a hunter main, they need to get something to happen when the dodge is triggered. Right now the Titans have their shield, Warlocks have their pools of whatever the -blam!-, and Hunters have a useless dodge which doesn't even do anything. No damage decrease, and it seems like it doesn't even affect the enemies at all. At least have it you know DODGE SOME BULLETS!!! It just leaves Hunters at a major disadvantage compared to the rest of the classes. Sure you could argue that it "instantly" reloads their weapon, but it leaves them vulnerable to any damage for those couple of seconds. Why dodge to reload when you can switch to one of the other two weapons. Soooo.... that point is useless, and regaining a melee ability. Well that is pointless because why regain that ability when it would be faster to not leave yourself defenseless for those two seconds and just use a great invention called bullets... or even regular melee. When comparing to any other class, overall it is pointless to be a Hunter in the crucible or any other PvP activity. Another point is that the Arc strider super is super weak if compared to the Striker Titan subclass super. Not only are the supers essentially the same, with the same slam, and "melee", but the Titans have the Fist of Havoc slam on initialization of the super, and the extra damage resistance while inside the super itself. The Hunter's Arc strider super may last a tad longer, but it doesn't have that initial super damage immediately after activation. Hunter is less a "panic" super than the Titan super. Oh... and one last thing. The Hunter slam actually does less damage than the Fist of Havoc slam, meaning in very specific circumstances, which may be rare but does happen occasionally, the Hunter slam may not kill while a Fist of Havoc will. They REALLY need to do something about the dodge at least. Make it at least somewhat useful and not absolute cancer. With this, my rant is over.

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