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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/6/2017 4:55:24 PM

If You're Suspicious About Our Weekly Visitor

I have developed a surefire way to [i]Trace[/i] this tentacled [i]Foe[/i]. I have spoken with a being known only as "[i]Nezarec[/i]"; he tells me that he has kept a lengthy list of every [i]Sin[/i] Xur has committed against the light. We will use this list and fly on the [i]Wings[/i] of [i]Vigilance[/i] to assemble an army ready and willing to do what must be done to remove this eel-faced swindler from our realm. Our army will be as [i]Insurmountable[/i] as the [i]Skull[/i]-like [i]Fort[/i] set up by the Legion of Doom.

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