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впервые опубликовано в: Birthplace of the Exo: Possible location of the Deep Stone Crypt
10/8/2017 9:03:05 PM
There is a warlock armor piece that references Deep Stone Crypt and is Felwinter speaking to his ghost. AND we finally find out what Felwinter's lie was about. A nice little D2 lore gem.

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  • Изменено (BLAST): 10/8/2017 11:03:25 PM
    Indeed, the Exotic Gauntlets have a very sought after piece of lore attached to them and finally reading it was a joy, but by the same token it doesn't answer all of our questions concerning what or where the Deep Stone Crypt is. It does, however, tell of how the Crypt works, to a slight degree. The Exo in question has to be 'processed' in order to have their mind wiped or something similar, thus meaning that there has to be some type of high-grade facility to house such procedures. In the Golden Age, the research facility that was the head of scientific development was Clovis Bray, which had some less than ethical projects being conducted (i.e. inserting a human consciousness into a robotic body). Logically, if a research and development corporation wanted to do something off the books, then a far flung colony out in the Jovians could potentially be a perfect way to conduct these experiments. Assuming that the speculation in the main post holds true. Thanks for bringing it up.

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