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10/4/2017 3:23:21 PM

Canadian Alpha is now recruiting!

Welcome one and all to the clan of Canadian Pride! We are a relatively new clan but boast the best of intentions both in game and out. We’re looking to start a community of players that are looking to make friends and not just be considered another number. You’ll never find a group more accepting and forgiving than that of one with a Canadian background. Nothing wrong with saying sorry eh? That being said, we also like to have members that are active and willing to help out others while maintaining that competitive nature we all have. This clan is open to all backgrounds and ethnicities. There is a 0 tolerance for bullying and if you are found guilty of said action, you will be kicked from the clan without hesitation. We’re proud of our Canadian heritage and no one can take that away from us! If you like what you’ve read and you want to be apart of a community and not just a clan, then Canadian Alpha is the place for you! If interested message me on here or on Xbox live at ChaoticBlitzZ. We look forward to meeting you guardians.

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