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Изменено (Mr_Nightglo): 10/20/2014 12:07:53 AM

Why is the Titan's Ward of Dawn useless?

In Destiny, he who draws his special first wins. Titan Fist of Havoc strikes before Hunter Golden Gun= Fist of Havoc Wins. Warlock Nova Bomb before Titan Fist of Havoc = Nova Bomb wins. Hunter Blade Dancer strikes before Warlock Nova Bomb = Blade Dancer wins. HOWEVER, Titan Ward of Dawn activated before Warlock Nova Bomb/ Hunter Golden Gun = Nova Bomb/ Golden Gun wins. Does this seem a little odd to you? The Titan's Ward of Dawn is rendered utterly useless. Perhaps, like the Blade Dancer or the Fist of Havoc, let the Ward of Dawn protect from outside assaults and let those activated within Ward of Dawn kill those inside it. To clarify, 2 shots from the Golden Gun or 1 Nova Bomb destroys the Ward of Dawn prematurely. The Nova Bomb also kills EVERYONE inside the bubble at the same time. If I put up my Ward of Dawn immediately and then the Warlock strikes it with Nova Bomb, my Special was an exercise in utter futility. I am dead and so is anyone who thought that my special was worth a glimmer.

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