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9/30/2017 10:16:03 AM

Hunter fixes suggestion (no BUFFs/NERFs)

Hello Guardians, hope to receive a good support for this fix/feedback suggestions. I'm not talking about BUFFs or NERFs, just little fixes. [b]1- Nighstalker's Invisibility[/b]: as I've already wrote in another Topic before [i](unfortunetly, totally lost in the ocean of other Feedback Topics)[/i], Nighstalker's Invisibility has a little problem: the first second of Invisibility doesn't work. After a [i]Vanishing Step[/i] or after activating [i]Vanish in Smoke[/i], for the first second the Hunter, even if appears to be invisible, can still be hit by enemies and even chaised by them. That''s pretty awfull 'cos invisibility last 3-5 seconds at all, so the effective time is reduced to 2-4 seconds. As Nighstalker that must run to reach enemies from behind/flank, I can really tell you that 1 single second is very important. [b]2- Arcstrider's Melee "bug":[/b] I write it is a bug, but I'm not sure about this. I use this terms for lack of others more appropriate. Anyway, as Arcstrider, after activating [i]Deadly Reach[/i] and [i]Combination Blow[/i], if I'm in the middle of a schermish with many enemies and I'm using the dodge/melee combo repeatedly, sometimes even if the animation of the melee is correctly executed the enemy isn't hit by the melee. So you have to use it two times and this can be a problem 'cos it breaks the chain of the combo. [b]3- Melee "middle zone": [/b]with the Hunter, there is a sort of "middle zone" between you and your opponet which doesn't grant the correct activation of the melee attack. Sometimes, even if you're face to face to an enemy (very clos to him!), the Hunter throws his Knife or the Smoke Bomb instead to use his normal knife stab, others, when you're pretty far from an enemy, the Hunter just try to stab him instead of throwing the Knife or the Smoke Bombs. That's pretty awfull also because this "middle zone" influence the correct activation of the Gambler's Dodge. For example, with the Arcstrider, the minimum distance required for the activation of the Gambler's Dodge is greater then the Nighstalker and this can confuse the players. [b]4- Arcstrider Skip Grenade:[/b] I don't know if this is related to the "middle zone" described before, but sometimes the Skip Greande after splitted, even if close to an enemy, doesn't follow him. The projectiles just lay down on the ground and also when an enemy pass close to them they stay still. Hope you will read this =/

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  • [quote]Hello Guardians, hope to receive a good support for this fix/feedback suggestions. I'm not talking about BUFFs or NERFs, just little fixes. [b]1- Nighstalker's Invisibility[/b]: as I've already wrote in another Topic before [i](unfortunetly, totally lost in the ocean of other Feedback Topics)[/i], Nighstalker's Invisibility has a little problem: the first second of Invisibility doesn't work. After a [i]Vanishing Step[/i] or after activating [i]Vanish in Smoke[/i], for the first second the Hunter, even if appears to be invisible, can still be hit by enemies and even chaised by them. That''s pretty awfull 'cos invisibility last 3-5 seconds at all, so the effective time is reduced to 2-4 seconds. As Nighstalker that must run to reach enemies from behind/flank, I can really tell you that 1 single second is very important. [b]2- Arcstrider's Melee "bug":[/b] I write it is a bug, but I'm not sure about this. I use this terms for lack of others more appropriate. Anyway, as Arcstrider, after activating [i]Deadly Reach[/i] and [i]Combination Blow[/i], if I'm in the middle of a schermish with many enemies and I'm using the dodge/melee combo repeatedly, sometimes even if the animation of the melee is correctly executed the enemy isn't hit by the melee. So you have to use it two times and this can be a problem 'cos it breaks the chain of the combo. [b]3- Melee "middle zone": [/b]with the Hunter, there is a sort of "middle zone" between you and your opponet which doesn't grant the correct activation of the melee attack. Sometimes, even if you're face to face to an enemy (very clos to him!), the Hunter throws his Knife or the Smoke Bomb instead to use his normal knife stab, others, when you're pretty far from an enemy, the Hunter just try to stab him instead of throwing the Knife or the Smoke Bombs. That's pretty awfull also because this "middle zone" influence the correct activation of the Gambler's Dodge. For example, with the Arcstrider, the minimum distance required for the activation of the Gambler's Dodge is greater then the Nighstalker and this can confuse the players. [b]4- Arcstrider Skip Grenade:[/b] I don't know if this is related to the "middle zone" described before, but sometimes the Skip Greande after splitted, even if close to an enemy, doesn't follow him. The projectiles just lay down on the ground and also when an enemy pass close to them they stay still. Hope you will read this =/[/quote] Hunters are in a weird spot right now; I'll give you that. They are definitely faster than they were before which is nice but when in arc Strider you're just not nearly fast enough to close the distance on most Maps. As much fun as it is to use it definitely doesn't cut it. Even with its fancy evade flip ability you can still get shot down like nothing. Even if you were to look at its grenades alone the pulse grenades wreck every single grenade the hunter has. I understand they don't want it to be overpowered but something needs to be done.

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