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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (AAbattery444): 9/30/2017 3:16:32 PM

Quality of life feature requests...

I'm not here to start up some controversial topic or anything I just want to request a few simple quality of life changes that I think would improve the game: 1) have an option to sort weapons, armor, and items alphabetically in your vault and inventories. 2) sort the online portion of the in game friends list (technically the "roster") alphabetically Reasoning: im always trying to get rid of slightly lower quality duplicates and sorting by alphabetical order would make finding duplicates a hell of a lot easier. For the friends list thing, it's just really frustrating that the online portion of the roster list isn't in alphabetical order considering the offline portion is (so you know it's possible...). Anyway, that's all guardians. Feel free to add your own feature requests in the comments. If you made a post requesting features, also feel free to share the link in the comments below as well. Have a good day!

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