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Изменено (Element Ninja): 9/26/2017 12:31:24 AM

What’s the point of nerfing...

...MIDA or anything else for that matter just so you can see more variety fix the fact that you suck so bad? Seriously... Git gud. Practice takes time. Learn to humble out and disengage from a fight as soon as you realize you’re entering it at a disadvantage. I know you want to feel like the Master Chief, a one man army, but that line of thinking isn’t working out for you, is it? Stick with your team. Be tactical. You should be learning more from loss than just by winning all the time. Otherwise, you aren’t losing properly and you’re being insane for doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. Use your freaking brains. Turn them on. I promise you will get better if you stop complaining and making excuses for yourselves. [spoiler]also, if you have a reddit account, go on the destiny and crucibleplaybook subreddits and educate them why we don’t need anymore nerfs. There’s an outbreak of stupid over there and they need to have some sense knocked into them.[/spoiler]

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