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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/26/2017 8:48:27 AM


So me and my good friend made a few tests about the mobility stat in game as well as mida multi/mini-tool and some gear pieces. So we both had our hunters out for this bullshit, me with 10 mobility and mobility mods and him changing between 4 and 10 mobility without mods and shit dosent make any difference no matter what test, expect ads (aim down sight) walk speed, normal walk speed and crouch speed where you would be slightly faster with higher mobility. But the difference is negligible. Higher mobility makes no different on Run speed or jump hight. Tho on the other hand we can comfirm that the Multi-tool speed buff work and the mini-tool dosent work or stack. Also this doesn't stack with mobility since mobility dosent work, and also won't stack with the dragons shadow chest piece for hunters. So what we learned and it looks like is following; Mobility only affects crouch/walking/aim down sight walk speed, but it could be mods we don't know. The Mida multi-tool speed boost works The Mida mini-tool speed have no effect even when paired with multi-tool. The same probably apply to the last to stats tho we haven't managed to test them to be sure. Seems like resilience might work but that might be due to power/non powered melee hits in pvp where it takes from 2-3 melee hits to kill.

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