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Изменено (J Stevensontown): 9/26/2017 2:01:23 PM

Glad I'm not the only one who feels these ways. Delusional fanboys, come defend...

Edit - Destiny is a modern day Smash TV, except it's a child's game. - These videos say it better & more clearly than I do.. Whether it's the lack of variety, inexperience, laziness, or straight up not caring. Edit - removing light from ghosts, but then adding it to mods, which were a big failure imo... Bugs & glitches Plethora of error codes Lack of variety Xur still trash Kill zones bordering public events Pve being a boring chore.. Same trials map & game mode two weeks straight Etc... If you haven't watched, you really should. Skill Ups vid (the best & most accurate) - Datto - Darkside Royalty - Bdobbins - Angry Joe (who's vid is amazing, & he's way too nice. Guess he wants back in Bungie good graces) -

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  • Even the campaign is designed for children. While I do understand that a)millennials and b)communities that don't speak English as their primary language, form a large demographic of your user base - the campaign story is: Flat Linear Monotonous Predictable Too Easy Uninspiring Child-like Insulting Patronising Dumb name a few. It's numbs my mind to see such a low quality level of writing when the world of content, gaming and cinema has reached such heights of complex, layered and beautiful story telling. The sheer low intelligence threshold required to appreciate the story is a slap on the face of your 16+ gamer base. However the more complex portions of PVE like raid and nightfalls; and PVP like Trials; are definitely not child's play - so let me ask you this Bungie: WHO exactly are you trying to please here ? What's your target audience? Everyone? Seems like the basics of content structuring, composition and targeting have been forgotten in the billion dollar alleyways of this games production. The D2 campaign now exists alongside giants like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls and yes, even Halo 3. The contrast in quality is so stark - much of the community seems to have been blinded by it. I'll conclude my feedback with a list of inclusions that felt like an insult to consume as a gamer who hoped your campaign was something more than soluble baby food meant for mass consumption only: 1. The ugly, oversized mole rat guy that looks evil is the bad guy. 2. Cheesy one liners from boring characters and cliché bad guy lines like "old friend" and "we are not so different, you and I" 3. A plagiarised GLAD0S on Nessus (I still remember Portal, a game I played years ago, more clearly than the D2 campaign I finished weeks ago. 4. Not caring about the physics of how did our guardian survive a fall from the upper stratosphere 5. Giving us our light back so EASILY after a stroll in the park and some shooting. 6. Not giving the light back to other guardians or explaining why 7. Not giving a voice to my guardian. Did not even bother with facial expressions. Older games like Injustice are way more sophisticated. 8. Not allowing me to fly my spaceship. Seriously - what's the point of it apart from being a lousy digital action figure ? Who's taking these design and experience decisions at Bungie ? A three year old? "I think we should have spaceships, that go wooosh! every time you have to go somewhere. Nope, they don't shoot or have control. Just WHOOOOOSH!" ...don't you have the left over code and concept from Halo Reach? Why go backwards? Why not evolve ? 9. Not paying attention to the common sense of the player. If the Shard's just behind Hawthorne, why does our spaceship go into outer space again? ...oh yeah...everything has to go WOOOSSHHHH! 10. No backstory on the Traveler. Mystery is cool, but an excess of it makes you look like a fool or a liar. 11. The tank mission is a rail shooter, without the need to shoot. So it's basically a low output cutscene you steer. RIP innovation. 13. Why does Hawthorne not object to Zavala calling her a guardian? 14. How did I just land on the Almighty, an interplanetary star eater? Cruise ships on earth have better security than that. 15. The enemy races have no introduction and have hardly any AI or difficulty differences. Please limit your use of Ctrl+C / Ctr+V during development. Despite the budgets, you chose to recycle instead of innovate. Though I have around 90 or so points, I'll hold them for later. Why share when Bungie is notorious for being as deaf to its people as a seasoned Dictator. I'd love to know what the budget for this game was exactly spent on. Hate is welcome, as this game intuitively evokes this emotion more than any other. I'm going to go sip on some tea now. Toodles.

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