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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/25/2017 11:54:12 PM

The sad reality of the situation

Don't get me wrong i love destiny 2 but this is really sad not even a full month and the game already feels dad it's like all the progress made on destiny 1 from the dlc's Has just been forgotten and cast away for no real reason other than laziness. The lost sectors are a dissapointment you rush past and kill the boss for some glimmer and tokens and blue gear it's pathetic the amount of lame and useless things in this game once you hit a certain level. Tokens is another big gripe of mine you spend all your time collecting these tokens for gear that's below your current level. The raid is another sad example of game design tokens for a raid really are you kidding me what happened to just getting raid loot after doing a challenge or beating a boss? With the terrible drop rates i guess coins are needed which is another gripe of mine. The underbelly is another terrible idea because the raid drop rates are so poor you are forced to go under the ship and waste time killing watchers or doing annoying fan puzzles for mediocre loot which is beyond lame and boring. With faction rally coming up i hope they flesh it out because every other thing in this game seems real pointless and or boring for a high level player to do like lost sectors,Strikes,Public events hell even the nightfall gives bad loot. Hope they can sort this out anf fix the game because 3 years and 100 bucks for 3 weeks worth of content is not good even more so when they promised a 10 year plan for destiny 1.

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