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Изменено (xXDA0TT3RQU33NXx): 9/22/2017 4:40:55 PM

Attention Guardians! T$P$ LEVEL 3 (PS4 Clan)

[b]Welcome to clan[u] [url=]TRA$H PANDA$[/url][/u][/b] My name is Queen. I'm one of the admins of our clan [url=]TRA$H PANDA$[/url] We thank you for your interest in our clan. Our clan is currently level 3. We are a small but active clan looking for members to join us (22 members), preferably those in the Eastern or Central time zones. Almost someone is always on. We are happy to help newbies with whatever they need done. Strikes, Raids, Nightfalls you name it. We are a PS4 based clan. The only requirements for us is that you are: ~18+ and mature ~280+ light level ~Willing to help the rest of the clan [b]Add xXDA0TT3RQU33NXx (me) or send a clan request for [url=]TRA$H PANDA$[/url] [/b] [i] "Welcome to the frickin Guardians of the Galaxy!" Rocket[/i]

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