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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/21/2017 8:13:41 PM

My Personal Crucible Experience

TLDR below... So I just want to throw in what I've thought after playing a fair amount of Crucible matches. Take it for what it's worth to you. To give you a brief description before I continue, I'm primarily a solo player, however I want to do Trials and get out of my comfort zone. I consider myself someone in the center of the herd. The Herd being the community. I'm not a try hard elitist, however, I know what I'm doing and have been playing since Vanilla and enjoy my time playing destiny (most of the time). [b]4v4[/b] It was awkward at first making the adjustment to this play style. I found out real quick that you can't be Captain Clutch and clear the board straight out the gate. Especially as a Hunter. Especially on certain maps. (Looking at you Fortress) That being said, making the adjustment to team shooting has come much more natural than I thought. I don't expect my teammates to do what I do. Especially when I don't use the chat. So instead I play more of a support role. This has given me the chance to slow down and gauge how dangerous an encounter is. By doing this we as a team can knock off the other team one by one. I feel more of a synergy between my teammates and I even though I don't even communicate with them. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe there's something to be said there. [b]The Sweat is Real[/b] I've never been a fan of sweaty matches. Especially in D1. Last night though I had the sweatiest match of control I've ever known. We went into overtime 69-69 (heuheu) and the match ended after trading kills in OT and then the other team snuck in one last kill before OT ended. I gotta say it was one of the most adrenaline fueled matches ever and also one of the most memorable moments SO FAR in D2. I would hate for this to be every single match, but I do enjoy the challenge to push me and my abilities in the Crucible. [b]Gunplay[/b] I have thoroughly enjoyed the different gun builds you can make now that you essentially carry two primaries as well as SMGs. Granted, it still would be nice to know what map we were going into beforehand. But yeah, this isn't COD, nor do I want to play COD. Most importantly, every gun has its place and isn't OP in my opinion. That being said, I've seen the posts on MIDA. I haven't seen it in action, nor have I been killed by it. I'm just gonna let that sleeping dog lay there. [b]Not Choosing Game Mode[/b] To me, this is a pretty small issue. There's been a pretty wide agreement that Bungie is stretching out the content to keep us all engaged. Knowing that does it really surprise you that we don't have full accessibility? I'm not saying it's right, or that I agree with it. All I'm saying is it's expected with the track record Bungie has provided us with D2. Call me a Desticle or just an optimist, but I look at this as an opportunity for me not to stay stagnant in one mode, one loadout, and one frame of mind. I know I will be prepared for Iron Banner whenever it comes with whatever mode they present because I've been cycling through them all. [b]Having Fun[/b] I stopped playing Destiny back in May for many reasons. The most important was that I was preparing to become a new dad, which has been the greatest adventure that Bungie will never be able to create. But I also stopped playing because there was no drive to play since D2 was right around the corner and here I am. Sitting in orbit waiting to go into another match where I would get reminded with every death that I don't have an icebreaker. But hey, at least they do and they're gonna kill me with it. All of them. All the time. Yay. Today when I get thrown into a match, I feel like I'm going to be challenged, but I'm not going down without a fight. At the very least, I'm taking them with me. It's a great feeling and great breath of life into a pretty stale game that once was pretty great. So yeah, today I really have fun in the Crucible. TLDR: Sure, there are some downsides to the Crucible, but it's still a solid game mode and I know what I'm getting into. Have Fun, Guardians.

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