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Изменено (Grays_KS27): 11/3/2017 9:24:19 PM

Survivors Ch.8: The Worlds Grave

Table of Contents [b]Note: Words spoken in the Eliksni language are italicized[/b] A blaze of bolts and bullets hammers the unsuspecting Hive, leaving the usual remains. Miel tells a few Eliksni to guard the entrance, then leads everyone to the column. The Servitors cruise out from the center of the group and begin their work. "We're in," Miel reports. Beltrik apprises, [i]"We are receiving the data. The Servitors will need time."[/i] "Understood," Miel replies, "You heard 'em, sprats, lock it down!" The team spreads out, putting rocks and obstructions between themselves and the entrances. The camera views outside the Hellmouth show that the dust is dissipating, giving a clearer view of the Hive that Paskin is fighting. "Now, tots," Miel says, "The guys outside have been doin' a great job distracting the Hive, which is why we've had such an easy time. If we're lucky, they won't-" A mighty roar booms through the chamber, and all the screen views snap to the doors. "Never mind," Miel gripes. "That's just typical," someone mumbles. As the first Thrall reach the doors, the waiting Eliksni jump in front of them. Several Thrall are cut down before the hoard overwhelms them, and they disappear under the sea of claws. Gunfire lights up the dark room as the strike team tries to repel the swarm, but they only manage to slow the Hive's advance. The foremost soldiers take up their blades and tear into the Thrall while everyone else exchanges fire with the Acolytes. Two Knights bring up the rear of the onslaught, hefting their Cleavers as they thunder into the fight. A blaze of flaming metal from Shrapnel Launchers brings down the first one, but the second plows into the defensive line. The nearest soldiers are dismembered as they try futilely to injure the beast through its thick armor. Miel is in the fray, hacking at a Thrall with a large dagger, and the Knight makes its way towards him. A camera behind Miel watches as Miel notices the brute, and a Dreg attempts to get between the two of them. The Knight slashes through the Dreg as Miel and the camera-bearer rush towards them. The camera view snaps and spirals in an unintelligible blur as the Knight knocks it away with a sweep of its arm. "What's happening?!" Noel exclaims. We scan the displays for a perspective. "There," I indicate an angle just in time for us to see Miel's body tumble across the ground. He comes to rest in a heap, revealing a massive gash carved into his chest-plate. "Traveler above," Noel gasps. Avery turns on the comms, "Captain Miel is dead! Next in command, report!" [i]"Captain Bartel is dead, as well,"[/i] an Eliksni growls, [i]"So I'm in command."[/i] Projectiles pelt the Knight, killing it before it can continue its spree. The flow of Hive ebbs, giving the team a brief respite. [i]"Gather the wounded,"[/i] the Eliksni Captain orders. Soldiers sift through the bodies and ash, tensely anticipating another Hive attack. They drag half a dozen groaning warriors to the column and prop them up against it. [i]"Over here!"[/i] An Eliksni calls. A camera turns to see a Dreg hauling Miel behind him, letting Miel's trailing legs churn traces through the ash. A Vandal hustles up and takes hold of Miel, who grunts weakly. High-pitched howls announce a new onset of Hive, and the warriors scurry back to cover. Less of the malevolent creatures than before try clawing their way into the room, but the team is able to staunch their progress at the doors. Beltrik clicks over the comms, [i]"We have what we need. Return to us."[/i] [i]"With pleasure,"[/i] the Captain hisses back, then directs the strike team, [i]"Cut through the abominations! We leave now!"[/i] Vandals lift the wounded in their arms and sling them over their shoulders, then the group surges into the Hive. They quickly fight their way into the previous room and down to the tunnel, moving faster as the number of Hive dwindles. The tunnel is empty and the strike team breaks into a run when they reach it, pursued by the cries of more Hive. A small collection of Hive are gathered in the next room, but they barely slow the team as they follow the path up the stairs. Barely slowing down to funnel out of the door at the top of the stairs, the team breaks out into a scene of chaos. The dust has mostly cleared, replaced by streams of smoke and falling rock as Skiffs dominate the sky and explosions shake the Hellmouth. Shanks dart overhead, dueling the mass of Hive scrambling to fight them off. The Walker slowly rotates its heavy frame, annihilating everything that dares to come into sight with its arsenal. "We are outside!" The Captain bellows. A dozen Skiffs immediately drop down into sight, assisting the Walker in blasting a clear space. The team bundles into the area, shooting in almost every direction to keep the Hive away. The Skiffs lower themselves, opening their hatches. [i]"Paskin, evacuate,"[/i] Solkis directs, [i]"Beltrik, cover their escape and clear that foul abyss."[/i] I look over the views of Paskin's fight. One of the Walkers is destroyed, and some of the soldiers are using its broken husk as as a barrier. The wreckage of numerous Tomb Ships are littered across the terrain, alongside heaps of the Hive's bone armor. Still more Tomb Ships come, no match for the sheer firepower of the Walkers. Skiffs glide over the wasteland to the ridge, ready to pick up the crew and Walkers. Some of the cameras take in the four Ketches as their cannons' constant onslaught stutters to a halt. Squadrons of Skiffs swirl away from the Hellmouth, joining the Ketches. [i]"All Skiffs are in position,"[/i] Beltrik notifies, sounding almost gleeful, [i]"The target has been cleared of allies. I am creating the smokescreen."[/i] With a sound like a thousand strikes of rolling thunder, the Ketches and Skiffs discharge all of their cannons at once. The salvo impacts the Hellmouth and everything around it, shaking the ground and every camera view. Another sheet of the lunar dust and rubble bursts into the air and cascades into the pit. The Skiffs carrying Miel's strike team jolt to life. The passengers brace themselves against the turbulence. Paskin's team finishes loading their Skiffs, cutting off our last views of the Moon. [i]"All teams are clear,"[/i] Beltrik informs, [i]"We are returning to the City."[/i] [i]"Well done, our fine warriors,"[/i] Solkis congratulates, [i]"Return Frigoris and his Exiles to their den. I shall send them the Ether and supplies they were promised."[/i] Avery and Noel fall back in their chairs, and I stand to go report to the Council. A fit of incomprehensible choked out words, too quiet to hear properly, pulls our attention back to the display. On one of the Skiffs, some soldiers huddle over Miel, who is being held up in a sitting position by a Vandal. His decimated chest-plate had been taken off, revealing the gash across his body. An Exo tugs his helmet off, and his voice can vaguely be heard on the comms as he struggles to speak to the crew. The Exo turns over Miel's helmet and holds it up to his mouth. "Glad to.... know t-th- less than half o' my... cherubs died," Miel gags, letting his head tilt closer to his helmets microphone, "Expected more than -ahem- that." "Glad to know you're still as positive as ever," Avery chuckles. "What... she say?" Miel asks, unable to hear the comms without his helmet on. Someone repeats Avery's reply. "I'll be plenty... positive," Miel retorts, "Soon as I've told you.... a few ch-choice words." With that, he slumps back down. The Exo sets the helmet down next to him. "Thank the Traveler that's over," Noel sighs. "Not yet," Avery corrects, "We've got work to do."

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