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9/15/2017 10:12:24 PM

Bug Luminous Engrams

Like many in the community I have found the soft wall at 260 annoying to level past. So, like many, I have created multiple characters for the same class so I can share armor and weapons. Maximizing my potential loot. Last night I transfered my highest gear to a character right before I completed the storyline. All equipped, a modest 284-285. Once the story was done he got to 289. Not bad, and I had just unlocked all of the Luminous Engram's. I figured I could moderately push 295 when all was said and done. So I set out to complete the Flashpoint. Me: 289 My Luminous Engram Drop: 280 WTF?! Unfortunately I'm in the middle of moving, and won't be able to upload this footage for about a week at most. But still. Has ANYONE else seen or heard this? @Bungie did you hot fix something like this in to stop those of us that just want to push to max light level as fast as possible?
#Help #bug #robbed

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