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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/14/2017 10:28:11 PM

Toxic Raid People

Yesterday I tried to run the new raid for the first time and as expected met a lot of toxic players, the funny thing is none of them knew what the hell they were doing and they were blaming one another. It's really annoying and discourages you to play raids of any kind after seeing so many salty,toxic hostile players, it's the first day for crying out loud!!! 95% of the people didn't know what the hell they were doing and they were just experiencing the raid, obviously you have to be patient and help out one another, no point of being toxic and hostile towards other people if they're struggling to understand the mechanics and trying to do their job. In the end it's just a game with virtual loot, we're all playing to have fun and meet new players. Some people are so uptight and hostile they literally take the RAID and game too serious, like their life depends on it. I thought players in Overwatch were toxic, but destiny raid members take it to whole another level (well majority of them). I've met a lot of chill laid back people in Destiny 1 while doing the raids, I just wish it was easier to find cool people who just want to have fun and get the raid done at same time...very rare these days. What's the point of GUIDED GAMES? if we're going to have similar Toxic Clans? or players? Anyways, really disappointed to meet a lot of people like this and a lot of times it just discourages you to do any raids, better off doing random events and activities around the map.

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