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9/10/2017 3:39:21 AM

★ [ALL CONSOLES] Mutual Gaming Now Recruiting! ★

Hello there, fellow Guardians! Can you believe that Destiny 2 has already launched? It's been years since the rise of Mutual Gaming, a group of gamers of all ages, skills, and backgrounds. And we're back for the release of Destiny 2! With thousands of members on both Xbox One and PS4, we'll be spreading to PC gamers shortly, so stay tuned! Here's a list of things to do in order begin or continue your adventure in Mutual Gaming: Join our Clan for Destiny 2 [url=]here[/url]. Join our Group for Destiny 1 [url=]here[/url]. Join our Xbox One Club by searching for 'Mutual Gaming'. Visit our Official Website [url=]here[/url]. Apply for a Leadership Position within our community [url=]here[/url]. Invite your friends to join! We're welcome to anyone and support all consoles, and more than just the Destiny franchise! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. Thank-you Guardians, and I'll see you all out on the battlefield!

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