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Изменено (RepubIic0fTexas): 9/9/2017 11:58:25 PM

Announcement to all US Law Enforcement on PS4!

To all full time law enforcement: I am a LEO in Texas and have created a Destiny 2 clan, --THIN BLUE LINE--, exclusively for US LEO's who play on PS4. There are no expectations of skill or requirements: just be a cop and play destiny w/ other cops. It is brand new (like created in the past hour) so I'm trying to build a roster. Any cop buddies you have are welcome to join as well! If you think you might be interested, message me your PS name on here so I can invite you, or shoot me a message on the PS network at Repubiic0fTexas (I realize this looks like "pubic", but it's not a typo, lol, AND the "o" is a zero).
#Clans #police

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