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Изменено (TripleT5891): 9/8/2017 2:25:00 AM

(PS4 NORTH AMERICA) Guardians Of The Doctor is now recruiting!!!

Guardians Of The Doctor is looking for easygoing new members!!! If you're looking to join a clan to do strikes, raids, or other group activities such as missions or patrols, and you're a casual easygoing gamer then GOTD is right for you. We're trying to cater to students or adults who are either casual gamers who have classes or jobs and cannot spend all their time online, so we do have an age restriction of 21 and up. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please send in a request or leave any questions or comments in this thread, it will be checked regularly. We look forward to hearing from you and playing with you. Thanks, Triple T.

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