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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/26/2017 12:48:49 PM

Fix this bungie!

Okay I've now been sitting here for like 30 minutes trying to figure this out... I wanted to create a clan for destiny 2 with a friend and we were both super excited about it. But when we went to create the clan it says that either the abbreviation or clan name won't work, well... WHICH ONE IS IT BUNGIE? Because I've tried changing both about 60 times and it still won't work, even with random letters thrown in there. I've literally run my hand over the keyboard to make an abbreviation but still, nope. It is a glitch? And why can't I see which names or combinations of letters that work? There are not even suggestions available to pick from so you just have to guess. It's a really frustrating experience and the excitement over it has really dropped... rant over, excuse me.

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